My home studio

The beauty of working in my home studio as a product photographer has been a great move for me.

What do you think?

As a commerce photographer, I have worked in a lot of studio space

and that has given me the edge to decide to work in my own home space.

While it is nice to have a home studio space,

has a lot of interesting mood for me as a product photographer.

It is wiser and economical to build up the types of equipment needed in my home studio as a basis of my time.

Bags, Cases, and Pouches: Picking a Means for Carrying and Storing Your Gear.

As I have earlier written an article on timing,

it is because I love to work with timing .

And that has really helped me out when making some decisions in my home studio.

Last month, I have few days to shoot and edit the image above (Rose petal silk scrub) and other body creams.

but because I have my home studio to myself,

I have to meet up with time.

So I did an overnight shoot and edited for the images to be delivered within the stated few days.

For me to have separated my living quarter for my business quarter in my space,

gives me the joy of wanting to shoot at any time of the day or night,

not alone do I have my convenience, I have my time and workspace to my self at my home studio.

If you are wondering how it is possible to have a home in the same place, read on!

The Beauty Of Working In My Home Studio Space

On the other side, the fact that I can just roll out of my bed to shoot,

or sometimes shoot with my sandals on, which has made my working in my home studio space an exceptional benefit.

  1. Comfort: People tend to be relaxed at home than office, for me, relaxation aids the creativity of being a product photographer, when my clients come to my personal space, it gives them an opportunity to know their product photographer better and easy connections. A connection is what most photographers need to help them relax.
  2. Accessibility to work: As I have mentioned before, shooting in my home studio means I roll out of my bed at any point in time to start shooting or editing clients’ images. I wake up 12midnight, make my coffee, and start setting up my equipment for my shoots because my studio is just in the home space.
  3. Access to many props: For me shooting in my home studio and shooting in a location studio is different, there is always an option in most commercial space studios and home studios. I have the various choice of angles to shoot with as a variety for backgrounds in my home studio space for the creative unit and for some look-book shots. Looking around my home studio, everything becomes a useful prop to use when shooting.

Inconclusion, The key to a good organization in a home studio is to make sure everything is in place, creating a good system of organization, and implementing it for production time.